
About ChristaPP

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So far ChristaPP has created 36 blog entries.

Being an Advocate for Your Dog

Being an Advocate for Your Dog One of the more common things I see is owners NOT being an advocate for their dogs.  This is not the fault of the owners but the pressures of culture, not having knowledge in those areas, not knowing how to advocate for their dogs appropriately, and sometimes not [...]

2023-04-28T21:07:55+00:00April 28th, 2023|Dog Training Articles|

Service Dogs

We get lots of questions and requests to train service dogs but what qualities make a good service dog or things to think about if you want your dog to become a service dog. First, is do you have a medical, mental, or emotional condition that can be something that legally can have a [...]

2023-03-24T21:33:49+00:00March 24th, 2023|Dog Training Articles|

Therapy Dogs

Therapy Dogs We get lots of questions and requests to train therapy dogs, but what qualities make a good therapy dog? Here are some things to think about if you want your dog to become a therapy dog. First, if you are looking to train your dog will your dog physically, mentally, and socially be [...]

2023-02-23T21:14:42+00:00February 23rd, 2023|Dog Training Articles|

Emotional Support Animals (ESA)

Emotional Support Animals (ESA’s) An Emotional Support Animal is a dog, cat, bird, rabbit, or any other domestic animal that a licensed mental health professional (A therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist) has determined provides comfort and or emotional stability to an individual with a mental or emotional disability.  ESA owners commonly have conditions like severe [...]

2023-01-30T23:11:27+00:00January 30th, 2023|Dog Training Articles|

What is the difference between Service Dogs, Therapy Dogs, and Emotional Support Animals (ESA’s)?

Service Dogs Service dogs (also known as “assistance dogs”) are trained to perform quantifiable tasks that directly ease the challenges associated with their owner’s physical, psychiatric, sensory, and/or developmental disability.  These dogs generally have many hours to years of training to perform those specific tasks and be well under control in the community.  Service [...]

2023-01-15T17:02:51+00:00January 15th, 2023|Dog Training Articles|

Heat Stroke

The Signs of Heatstroke Here are the symptoms: Unusual breathing/panting (rapid and loud) High rectal temperature (103 or higher) Extreme thirst Weakness and/or fatigue Glazed Eyes Disorientation Dark or bright red tongue and gums Skin around the muzzle or neck doesn’t snap back when pinched (dehydration). Difficulty breathing Excessive/Lack of Drool or Thick Saliva [...]

2022-07-30T21:54:24+00:00July 30th, 2022|Dog Training Articles|


What is puppy socialization? Is it puppies going out into public meeting other dogs and having play dates with them?  Is it going out into public and meeting strangers and jumping up and getting pet?  Is it going to group classes?  What is socialization to you? This is what socialization is to me…co-existing in [...]

2020-10-27T22:37:57+00:00October 27th, 2020|Dog Training Articles|

Traveling with Your Dog

Another helpful tip for people with puppies is start doing now what you would want your puppy to do as an adult.  This seems self-explanatory and very obvious however as humans we get caught up in our everyday lives and forget about the little things with puppy training.  So here are my tips to [...]

2020-08-15T19:24:23+00:00August 15th, 2020|Dog Training Articles|

House Training Your Dog

10 Easy Steps to Housetrain Your Dog You can easily teach your dog to eliminate in an acceptable location by keeping a close eye, recognizing his signals, understand his instincts, and rewarding his appropriate behavior. Prevent undesirable elimination by not allowing your dog to wander all over the house without supervision and by keeping [...]

2020-05-02T13:46:44+00:00May 2nd, 2020|Dog Training Articles|
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