Dog Training Articles

Stop The 77

Todays post is one that comes from my last lesson today but I actually see on a regular basis. And the topic tonight is families with kids and dogs and managing both. One of my most common complaints in households with this dynamic is that the dogs are nipping, mouthing or biting the children. [...]

2016-12-24T15:30:28+00:00December 1st, 2016|Dog Training Articles|

Ways to Keep Your Dog Active Indoors

With winter coming and the cold days ahead here are some indoor activities that can help burn some energy and keep your dogs happy. Experiment With Inside Games There are lots of games that can be played inside the key is to vary the games you play. The other thing I suggest is regularly rotating [...]

2016-12-24T15:30:30+00:00November 28th, 2015|Dog Training Articles|
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